Industry 40 ResearchBlog Industry 4.0 Technologies
Industry 4.0 Technologies

Industry 4.0 Technologies

Industry 4.0 is here to stay, there is no doubt about that.

Industry 4.0 is an important part in the 4th industrial revolution. 

The United States, the world’s second largest manufacturer, with a 2017 industrial output reaching a record level of approximately $2.2 trillion, will apply Industry 4.0 technologies to replace China as the world’s largest manufacturer. 

Industry 4.0 bases it’s operation on Industrial IOT, and combines at least 4 of the following 10 technologies: Robotics, AI, AR / VR , Big Data, 3D printing, simulation. System integration, smart sensors, advanced human interface and mobile devices.

Industry 4.0 facilitates fundamental improvements in the industrial processes, involved in manufacturing, engineering, supply chain and life cycle management, predictive maintenance and more

Industry 4.0 is about analysing and integrating total product and process life cycle, from subcontractors to the end customer, so that everybody along the supply chain can communicate directly with manufacturing systems and personnel. This enables suppliers to better understand how their products and production operations are performing, and how customers’ needs, and desires evolve over time.

With such capability, the industry can be much more effective, efficient, and rapidly supply customers with a product that suits their needs and budget. Moreover, they can accurately predict and satisfy customer demand in our rapidly changing world.

The swift ramp-up of technologies ranging from smart warehouse robots to additive manufacturing to Industrial IoT to a new kind of predictive maintenance artificial intelligence-based software is more prevalent and sophisticated than ever before.

Industry 4.0 Technologies


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